Friday, August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 26

Today was the second day of the English Club. We can tell that the students are really starting to pick up more English. It is so encouraging.

The morning class keeps growing. Liz and Joanne have taken on a group of about 15 guys, all over the age of 15 and Tim (with Jaime's occassional assistance) has taken on a group of five. Tim is teaching in a room the size of a walk-in closet. But the guys are loving it!

While Tim, Joanne and Liz taught in the morning, the rest of the crew went to visit people who have been infected with HIV. with an organization called Living Waters, whose focus is obviously to minister to people who have been infected with HIV through home visits and through running an orphanage with kids who have HIV or have been affected by this ravaging disease. Wild Hope got connected with Living Waters through a series of God-ordained events and now both organizations partner on an occassional basis. Living Waters also ministers to elderly folks who are considered shut-ins. Living Waters is run by an amazing Christian woman named "Mama Dora." She is a powerhouse! To be with Mama Dora is to be with a person who so amazingly reflects the passion and the love of Jesus.

So, we got to visit several people today. The first is a woman named Eliamani. She has three children. The two oldest live with her and the youngest, she gave up to Living Waters orphanage. Mama Dora mentioned to us that Eliamani has not seen her child since she gave her to Living Waters because of the pain of seeing the child but knowing that she can't care for her. Eliamani's husband passed away several years ago. She was the third of three wives that her husband had. In Masaai culture it is common for a man to have more than one wife. So, all three wives were infected with the virus. Because Eliamani was the "last" wife, she was being mistreated by the others. So, Living Waters stepped in, provided conflict resolution and has brought peace to this very distraught family. As we talked with Eliamani, it was evident that she was a Christ follower. She was so full of peace in the midst of such a difficult situation. As we prayed with her, we felt the love and presence of God fill her little mud hut. it was so powerful!

Later on we walked over to the homes of two "bibi's" (grandmas) and spent a few minutes chatting wtih both of them. One grandma cared for 9 grandchildren. WOW! The other was a blind woman who basically say outside of her hut. Both were so sweet and welcoming.

Later that evening, we had dinner at the Russell home. Their house is so warm and inviting! We had a yummy meal prepared by Tammy and then spent some time in prayer and worship. Every night that we have come together for prayer and worship, it has been so incredible. I don't know if it is Africa or what but there is a presence of God that one feels that is unlike almost any other place I have been to. We look forward to more evenings like this with the Russells and the Bordens!

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