Monday, August 18, 2008

24 hour Countdown

In honor of Jack Bauer of the hit series "24", we are starting our very own countdown. The only exception is that we won't have any bombs blowing up, or the saving of thousands of people from nuclear disaster, nor a crew of cameras following us around.

Instead, we will be busy packing bags, praying, and spending time with family and friends. We leave behind pregnant spouses, just-about-to-start-walking toddlers, newlywed and veteran spouses, teen-aged kids, amazing family, and great friends (including the four-legged kind!). Some of us are checking off lists of things we need to take and wondering if we REALLY need that extra t-shirt, "just in case." No, you don't need it.

We are excited, nervous, scared, joyful, blessed.

All that we ask of you who are reading this is to PRAY that Jesus manifests Himself through our lives.

On a more specific basis, we ask you to pray for the following as we leave:
  • Travel mercies - that airlines are gracious, customs/immigration folks are fair, that we are safe from all harm and thieves.
  • Health - that we would be healthy as we travel to Tanzania. There is nothing worse than traveling halfway across the world with a cold.
  • Baggage - we are bringing lots of stuff with us and don't want to lose any of it or have it on a plane to Beijing. So, pray that Michael Phelps doesn't end up with our bags.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

AMEN! I'm so pumped for you. You have prayer upon prayer from Wilmington, North Carolina.